How far along?31+6. It feels like the real countdown is on now! At what point should I pack my hospital bag?!
Stretch marks?No new ones on last week. My belly looks so veiny now as well.
Sleep?On a whole not terrible, but it's definitely deteriorating as the nights go on. I do struggle to get through the day without a nap. I've also woken a few times with really sore hips, I don't know if that's because I end up rolling onto my back in my sleep which is maybe too much for them at the moment.
Best moment this week?Spending time with my family. Mum and Dad live next door so their house is somewhat of a headquarters for the family. My younger sister was home for a few days last week and my older sister with my nieces and nephew visited on Saturday for the night. I can't wait to do the same with Kyle's side of the family, Willow's definitely missing her Nanny Nia and her little cousins.
Miss anything?I haven't been missing anything in particular this week.
Movement?With Willow I could remember it being every evening that she'd become really active but with this one I've not found a pattern to it, it literally is just none stop. When the midwife checked baby on Friday she was trying to establish whether it was bum down or head down. As soon as she thought she'd got it's head it jumped and I don't think she was sure anymore.
Food cravings?Nothing. I don't even know why I include it anymore because it's been pretty boring for cravings.
Anything make you queasy or sick?Nope nothing.
Gender?I think the majority of my family are convinced it's a boy. But then I had a sudden realisation that it could very much be a girl so I bought two girls outfits over the weekend just incase. Oh I just can not wait to find out who this little person is.
Labour signs?Not really. I've had a few tightenings but nothing as strong as what I was getting a few weeks ago. They tend to just be in the evening after I've been on my feet for a bit cooking dinner and tidying the kitchen.
Symptoms?I had my iron infusion on Friday and although I'd say I've felt a tiny improvement, I've still had days worse than others, Sunday was a particularly bad day. The midwife did warn me that I wouldn't feel the effects of it immediately. Luckily I've got my second infusion booked in for Friday and she said even after that some people feel the change so gradually they don't really notice.
Belly button in or out?It's really out these days.
Mood?I feel okay, feeling slightly overwhelmed with what I still need to get for Christmas and what I need to buy for baby. Not that I need a lot for baby, but I do also need a few bits for my hospital bag. I think I need to just make a really long list...
Maternity clothes?So many of my tops are short on me. I think I may have to take a trip to Primark when they reopen just to stock up on basics to see me through the next 8 weeks.
Looking forward to?I'm actually looking forward to my next hospital appointment on Friday, not for the infusion part of it, there's nothing enjoyable about that, but mostly just the part where the midwife measures the bump, and checks it's position and all that jazz. Baby is measuring above the 97th centile so she did say I may have to have a growth scan but with me having a scan with the consultant soon anyway it might just be done then.
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How far along?30+6. We're in the single digit countdown as of tomorrow!
Stretch marks?I've got some silvery ones around my belly button and some really low down. I will be so surprised if this baby comes out smaller than Willow!
Sleep?Not too bad at night, it's just such a mission to roll over and I feel like every time I flip sides I end up stirring.
Best moment this week?I'm just living for the weekends at the minute even though we don't do anything, it's just nice having everyone here in the house when I've spent all week here on my own. It got to about 6pm on Saturday evening and I decided we'd go for a ride around in the car looking at houses covered in Christmas lights. There's some around our town that go really over the top and raise money for charities which is lovely and as we were driving along in the car Willow told me it was the best day ever (she's having a lot of those lately bless her).
Miss anything?I just can't wait to be able to lie on my belly again. I think I managed it for quite a while but it's definitely not going to happen anymore.
Movement?It's still a wild little thing, which the midwife said is brilliant and obviously if anything changes then I'd know to call triage straight away. I would anyway, movement and kicks is something I'm so aware of. It did this crazy move on Saturday when I was just lay on the bed and my whole body jolted, it was like it did a full flip from one side to the other, it was so weird!
Food cravings?Still the most boring pregnancy in terms of cravings...
Anything make you queasy or sick?Nope nothing this week.
Gender?No idea, but according to Willow if it's a boy we're calling it Lunchbox...
Labour signs?None really. I've not even had any Braxton Hicks this week.
Symptoms?Still struggling on the iron front, and as a result struggling with my breathing. I had the midwife on Friday and she phoned straight through to the Day Assessment Unit to see if they could get me in for an iron infusion. She had to do my bloods again and wait for the results which obviously meant it wasn't followed up until the Friday evening and then I didn't hear back from the midwife then until the Sunday evening because she had to speak to the doctor. So thankfully I'm booked in for an infusion this Friday coming up and another one next Friday, and in the meantime I'm just taking it easy, not that I'm doing a lot anyway. Apparently I'll feel great once I've had it so looking forward to that.
Belly button in or out?It's at the point now where it doesn't even resemble a belly button really.
Mood?I feel much better knowing I'm getting the infusion Friday. It's been so frustrating being out of breath just walking around the house. I also haven't managed to make it through the day without a nap for the last few days which I felt so guilty about at the weekend when Willow was at home but she didn't seem to mind.
Maternity clothes?I'm managing on what I've got at the moment. Slowly but surely though, the tops section of my wardrobe is just getting smaller and smaller. I don't feel massive but I'm definitely bigger this pregnancy because the shirt I was wearing the day I went into hospital to have Willow was getting tight on me last week and I've still got ten weeks to go!
Looking forward to?Like I said last week, there's not really much to get excited about at the minute is there. Obviously I'm looking forward to Christmas and baby's arrival but in the more near future we're just taking each day as it comes.
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How far along?29+6. Crazy to think I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow!
Stretch marks?Some quite low down, I keep being told I look like I'm carrying low so that'll be why. I didn't get a single stretch mark with Willow until she dropped right at the end of my pregnancy.
Sleep?Sleep as night is good, but I do feel like some days I could easily have a couple of hours nap. But then maybe that's just boredom as opposed to tiredness.
Best moment this week?Definitely Saturday when we decorated the Christmas tree. Willow was 100mph from the moment she woke up, sometimes I wonder how her tongue hasn't fallen out she chats that much! She went to bed that evening and told Kyle she'd had the best day ever and that she wanted to do it again. It made my heart burst when he came down and told me. Sometimes I forget how magical and exciting it must be for her.
Miss anything?Not at the moment, enjoying this new slower pace.
Movement?Still so active for the majority of the day. It's quite hard though at times and I do wonder if baby is maybe currently lay transverse or breech. Tonight was the first time I've actually felt a foot in my rib so maybe baby has moved?
Food cravings?Absolutely nothing. I have the occasional evening where I fancy a bit of chocolate but I think that's just normal female behaviour.
Anything make you queasy or sick?Nope nothing this week.
Gender?Still got a boy feeling but still absolutely clueless.
Labour signs?The Braxton Hicks haven't been so strong this week. I'm convinced I'll have to have a c section though, the closer I get to my next scan the more anxious I'm getting. I'm really trying to send out positive vibes that my placenta will have moved but it's hard, the anxiety does quickly creep back in. I think being told I look like I'm carrying low doesn't help, it seems like everything is so low down. I've got a midwife appointment again on Friday though so hopefully she can at least tell me what position baby is in, even though I know it has still got plenty of time to be flipping around.
Symptoms?I never heard back about my iron stores blood test so I'm assuming everything came back fine from that. I have been really out of breath today for the first time in over a week though so I'm guessing I'll probably have my levels checked again on Friday.
Belly button in or out?There's no going back for it now and it's the weirdest feeling when the baby presses a foot or a hand or an elbow, I'm not even sure what part of its body it is but you can push it from the outside and it's so weird.
Mood?Feeling good, maybe a little bit naggier than usual but nothing Kyle can't handle.
Maternity clothes?I bought a new pair of maternity jeggings which rival my New Look faux leather ones in the comfy department. I didn't end up buying anything else even after my meltdown last week but it's tiding me over for now. All my knitwear came out of the loft the other week and the majority of that fits me at the moment.
Looking forward to?Not sure at the moment. Everything is a little mundane at the moment isn't it so we haven't made any plans for the foreseeable.
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How far along?28+6.
Stretch marks?I'm going hard on the Bio Oil now but things are getting very tight. There's some new ones quite low down I think but I can't see them so that's that.
Sleep?I'm still getting some really good night's sleep thank god. I'm gonna make the most of them whilst they're I still can.
Best moment this week?I think I'm just savouring our slow weekends a little more now. It was nice for us all to get out for a long walk together on Saturday. It's about the most we can do at the moment so I'll just take what I can.
Miss anything?I don't think I do atm. Feeling very content.
Movement?I was saying to the midwife how considering it's foot problem it's still so much more active than what I remember Willow being. She was shocked when she used the doppler at my appointment on Friday how active it was.
Food cravings?Still nothing major. How boring.
Anything make you queasy or sick?Nothing. The cat has stopped pooing in the bath so that's a bonus.
Gender?Your guess is as good as mine.
Labour signs?Apart from the Braxton Hicks we're all good, but even they've calmed down since last week.
Symptoms?One thing I completely forgot to mention last week (I really don't know how it slipped my mind!) was about how out of breath I was. I phoned triage about it because it was at the time when I was isolating so I wasn't really overdoing it, just pottering around the house. The midwife said it could be my iron levels, which I'm already on two iron tablets a day. Well I had my 28 week appointment on Friday and she did a blood test again, I think more because I had my anti-D injection on the afternoon and they have to check if you have any antibodies in your system. They called me Saturday to say my iron levels had dropped again, which explains the breathlessness. I went for another blood test not long after that so they could check my iron stores, and if they're low I'll have to have an iron infusion.
Belly button in or out?As you can see by the picture it's definitely popping now.
Mood?I've been okay actually considering the lockdown. My midwife asked me how I was coping at my appointment and to be honest i'm enjoying being at home. I was so ready to finish work. It reached a point where it just felt like so many customers weren't happy with the rules and regulations that were in place, as if you'd put them in place yourself. I've got a nice balance of Willow being at nursery and home so I can get my to do list for the day done by about 11.30 then at least I know when I pick her up we can do something fun like go for a walk or bake cookies.
Maternity clothes?I had a mare on Sunday morning when I was just sat in front of my wardrobe with not a clue what to wear. I spent a while after that looking for some maternity outfit inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram. I definitely feel like I lose a bit of my style when I'm pregnant. I want to look nice and embrace my bump but it's hard when you've got this new shape to dress for such a short amount of time.
Looking forward to?I think we're going to put our Christmas tree up this weekend, as long as Scrooge, I mean Kyle, get's the decorations out of the loft for me. Me and Willow watched the video of us decorating the tree last year and she loved it so I definitely think we'll make a video out of it again.
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How far along?27+6. Rolling into the third trimester as of tomorrow!
Total weight gain?
Stretch marks?There's definitely more coming, but I still don't think they look angry and red. I've started using Bio-oil (better late than never eh) but it does say to use it from the start of the second trimester. But I was looking at my stretch marks this morning and I thought, they really don't bother me. Don't get me wrong I doubt I'll be flashing them off if we were to go on holiday in the future, I just don't think that's my style but I'm more than happy to rock a high waist bikini or a swimming costume.
Sleep?Good this week. I'm getting the hours in whilst I still can! The dark mornings definitely help, especially whilst me and Willow were isolating, and Kyle's good at the weekend that he gets up with Willow and lets me sleep in (most of the time).
Best moment this week?There's been no stand out best moment this week. I had the phone appointment with the orthopaedic hospital last Wednesday that I said I'd been waiting for. The consultant just went through the Ponseti method which is the treatment method used nowadays. A lot of it I already knew, because like I've said before knowledge is power in a situation like that. One of the main things Kyle and I were worried about is that baby's treatment might get delayed because of Covid, but it was a relief to know that it won't affect it's treatment whatsoever.
Miss anything?I miss how the world used to be. I really do. I miss having a weekend off and being able to go to the caravan and spending time with Kyle's Mum. Willow broke down in tears last week saying she missed her Nanny Nia so we facetimed her and I just sat behind her in tears because she was so upset. It just broke my heart. We said we'd see Nanny Nia as soon as her lockdown in Wales finished but obviously now that's not going to be the case after Boris's announcement on Saturday. It's just hard at the minute to see a light at the end of the tunnel with it all, no matter how positive we try to stay with it all.
Movement?Still loads of movement. Willow loves putting her head on my bump and letting it kick her in the head.
Food cravings?Still nothing major, but I realised the other day that I'd happily have peas on every meal I cook. Kyle always jokes about my love for peas since the one time when I said "I love peas" in a really creepy voice. I've always loved peas though but I just especially love them at the moment, like we get through a bag of peas a week at the moment.
Anything make you queasy or sick?I heaved and was nearly sick on Sunday when I had to clean cat poo out of the bath. Cat's are disgusting you know.
Gender?I haven't really thought to much about it this week. I was saying to Kyle the other day though how I don't like when people ask Willow what she wants or what she thinks it is. I hate that there's an emphasis put on the gender where she's concerned because she doesn't fully understand that it's completely out of our control and she won't get a sister just because that's what she wants. Whenever she says about a baby sister I always make sure I remind her that she might have a baby brother.
Labour signs?None yet.
Symptoms?I've been getting so many Braxton Hicks this week. I had to google whether what I was feeling could have been them because I thought they was something that came much later in the game but turns out you can have them from really early on but you just don't feel them. I've definitely been feeling them this week!
Belly button in or out?Yep, it's definitely out now.
Mood?Up and down, as I can imagine a lot of people are feeling at the moment, pregnant or not.
Maternity clothes?I've not bought anything new recently, I've actually got a bag of items from Primark that I'm going to return tomorrow because I'm not going to wear them in the next month whilst we're in lockdown.
Looking forward to?Although like I said I'm feeling very up and down about this second lockdown, I am looking forward to being able to pick Willow up from nursery everyday. I'm gutted the store is closing, I literally had about 4 weeks left anyway but it now means that Wednesday is my last day. I am mentally preparing all the Christmas films I'm gonna watch whilst Willow is in nursery and all the cleaning I'm going to do. I suppose at least this year we've really got our money's worth out of our rent having spent so much time at home!
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