Monday, 4 January 2021


How far along?
36+6. Full term as of tomorrow!

Stretch marks?
I really don't think my skin can stretch anymore. It's stretched that much I've got tiny little scabs on some parts of it. I'm just smothering it with whatever I can as many times a day as I fancy right now.

I don't think it's going to get any better at this point. My back does a big horrible crack everytime I move from my right side to my left in the night. Oh how I can't wait to sleep on my belly again!

Best moment this week?
I don't think there has been a standout moment this week. It was just another slow one at home with Kyle here. Christmas feels like it was a lifetime ago though!

Miss anything?
Nothing really. 

Still active, although if anything I'd say it's maybe calmed down slightly to what it was like. I guess it's just very very squashed in there now.

Food cravings?
I've noticed probably the last week that my appetite hasn't been there, not as much as it was. Maybe I just ate too much over Christmas, but I found that whereas I'd normally get up and have breakfast I could easily go until lunchtime without eating. I figured starting today I'd made sure I started having breakfast again, but then I didn't have lunch because I wasn't hungry. I suppose my stomach is a lot more squashed than it normally is. I'm sure I'll make up for it when I'm breastfeeding.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nothing this week thankfully.

I don't think I've had any predictions from anyone this week. 

Labour signs?
I lost my plug on new years eve, or at least part of it. I wasn't actually sure if it was just discharge or what so I googled it and came across some lovely pictures of other peoples plugs. That was nice... But in all seriousness, it confirmed it was definitely my plug. Then on new years day I was getting a lot of regular tightenings that were more painful than the usual Braxton Hicks and getting pain in my lower back. It had eased off by the next day, but as I'm writing this tonight I'm getting slightly more painful tightenings again. I just think at this point any tiny twinge you read into and get excited about.

I'm feeling very sore in the pelvis and hips which I suppose is somewhat normal as baby's head starts to engage. 

Belly button in or out?

Well Boris has just been on and announced another national lockdown similar to the one in March. I honestly did not think when I found out I was pregnant in May that I would be having a baby in lockdown. I thought life would have returned to some sort of normality. I did feel a bit emotional, mostly for Willow, she loves nursery, loves seeing her teachers and her friends and I felt sad that she's been excited all weekend about going back to nursery, had one day in and is off again until at least February half term. At this point I'm unsure whether she will be in nursery or not though because he did say early years settings will still be open.

Maternity clothes?
I picked up some extra big knickers and maternity bras from Primark last week. I had a panic that we might be going into tier 4 and the shops would be shut so made a mad dash around for things I need. The only thing I'm waiting on arriving is a hoodie from H&M which I intend on wearing with some comfy leggings to leave the hospital.

Looking forward to?
I know baby will come when it's ready and I'm really not one for trying to 'make' the baby come out, but I really cannot wait for it to be here now. The uncertainty of labour and being in hospital is playing on my mind, and I'm really hoping hospital restrictions won't be affected anymore than they already are. We really did take it for granted when Willow was born, I had about 4 or 5 visitors around my bed at one time the day she was born. Oh how different it will be this time.

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Tuesday, 29 December 2020


How far along?
35+6. I turned 8 months on Boxing Day and I just cannot believe that baby will possibly be here in the next month. On Christmas Eve Willow out of the blue said the baby was coming on Boxing Day. Thankfully it didn't. She's now said it's coming on Friday.

Stretch marks?
Sometimes they look angrier than other times. I'm not sure why. I've absolutely 100% gotten more this time around than I did with Willow. I wonder if it's because I didn't start using Bio Oil earlier or if it was just that my bump is bigger this time.

Still not great, my hips and back are just so achy. Although with Willow not being in nursery and Kyle not being up for work the last few days we have been getting lie ins until about 9am which has been lovely.

Best moment this week?
Obviously Christmas eve and Christmas day. It was just lovely seeing Willow's excitement. It's funny though when you think about the big build up and then by the time Boxing Day hits that's it it's done for a another year. 

Miss anything?
Not really. It's been a quiet few days and I'm enjoying just pottering around the house slowly getting things back to normal.

Still very active. I did end up at triage on boxing day night because I'd lay down to watch Call the Midwife and it wasn't doing it's usual somersaults. I told myself I'd give it until the programme had finished and if nothing I'd call triage, so yeah that's how that night went. I did 20 minutes on the monitor and it's heartbeat was perfect but just no movement so she did another 20 minutes and towards the end it woke up, and it's more than made up for it since. It was obviously just having a bigger nap than usual, but the midwives were so welcoming, especially when you doubt yourself and think you're just being silly.

Food cravings?
Still just eating everything in sight!

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope, no cat sick this week thankfully.

Still no idea. I am so ready to know who it is in my belly now though.

Labour signs?
The Braxton Hicks are back in full force. When I was on the monitor on Boxing Day the midwife asked me if I was in pain because she could see I was regularly contracting but they obviously can't tell if they're real ones or Braxton Hicks. Thankfully they're just Braxton Hicks, but I think it was the day after Boxing Day I was in bed on the evening and I was getting back pain, you know the kind when you get when you're in labour. I suppose every little twinge from now on I'm gonna read into it just because it is so imminent.

Just like I've said the Braxton Hicks, a little bit of back pain and general aches, but really I'm feeling quite good. 

Belly button in or out?

I did have a wobble the day before Christmas Eve. I think everything just felt a little on top of me. We'd seen Kyle's Mum and partner for the last time until who knows when and it just made me really upset, then Kyle got home and had been sent to Oxford for a job on Christmas Eve. Thankfully my friend Naomi came to the rescue, and we took our kids out for a walk in the fresh air for an hour on Christmas Eve. It's people like that in my life that I'm grateful for.

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new. Like I said last week, i'm really reluctant to buy anything new at this point. Whilst I'm at home i'm just living in my ugly leggings or my blue stonewashed ones from H&M which are really comfy.

Looking forward to?
Obviously baby's impending arrival now Christmas is out of the way. I've started cracking on getting things washed and ordering little bits that we still need to get. I imagine the next few weeks are just going to absolutely fly by! 

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Tuesday, 22 December 2020


How far along?
34+6. 35 weeks tomorrow. A week that I've strangely been anxious to get to. My friend from work, and I really hope she doesn't mind me talking about it, lost her baby girl, Emily-Rose, at 35 weeks, right in the midst of the first lockdown. It's changed my view on pregnancy this time around. You think at 12 weeks you're safe, but in reality, and without sounding harsh, you're not. That's why it's so important to be aware of your babies movement. That's why I'm so grateful that the baby in my belly is so active, it's like it's been reassuring me this whole pregnancy. I do think though that you're never truly 'safe' until you have your baby in your arms.

Stretch marks?
Lots, and my skin was really irritated towards the end of last week. It wasn't itchy as such, but the lower part of my bump was just really tingly. I just kept moisturising it with all sorts of creams and used some of Willow's ointment and it seems to have eased off now.

Terrible. Some nights I can lie wide awake for about two hours, and it always seems to be around 3am that I wake. It reaches a point where I just think I might as well give up and go do some washing or go and clean the kitchen.

Best moment this week?
Definitely seeing our little Wonky again at my consultant scan last Thursday. As soon as she put the gel on my belly it just went wild! I saw all it's tiny little toes on it's wonky foot and saw it's little face close up. She also confirmed that the placenta had moved because I was still worrying with how casual the sonographer was about it the other week that I just wanted to double check. 

Miss anything?
I was thinking about it last week and I really can't wait to go for walks with Willow and Kyle. I think the last one I went on was around Dothill Nature Reserve not long before my iron levels got really bad. Kyle basically gets walked by the dog and there's no way I could keep up with them.

Still wiggly. My older sister is so obsessed with it. 

Food cravings?
It's Christmas. I'm basically just eating anything in sight.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
I was sick for the first time this pregnancy last week! The stupid cat had eaten his meat at the speed of light then vomited on the windowsill. Kyle had literally just left for work so I had no choice but to clean it up and yeah I suppose you can guess how well that went down...

Still so many people convinced it's a boy. I think Willow and Kyle are the only ones saying girl. Ha but my Mum and Dad had asked Willow what we should call it the other day and she said Snowy for a girl and Radiator for a boy.

Labour signs?
None, thank goodness. I definitely don't want a December baby. In all fairness I have said since the start that I'd rather be late and have a February baby, but then I've had it in my head weeks that it'll be early. In reality though I don't care when it arrives, as long as it arrives safely. 

The only thing that's been bothering me this week is the SPD/sciatica. But it's still nowhere near as bad as it was earlier in on in this pregnancy which is strange. It's strange that I had the occasional Braxton Hicks for a couple of weeks and even that has completely gone. We're just enjoying these last few weeks of just us. 

Belly button in or out?
I've said it before but it doesn't even resemble a belly button anymore.

Feeling okay. Not feeling terribly festive but then with all the recent announcements who really is? It does also seem like a 3rd lockdown is highly likely and I'm hoping that's not going to affect the birth too much. I just need to go into hospital, focus and get the F back out. 

My friend asked me how being pregnant in a pandemic compared to my pregnancy with Willow and I don't really feel like it has been different. I can't fault the care I've received up to this point. But I'll definitely notice the difference when baby arrives. I think the thing that bothers me most is that Kyle may have to leave after just a couple of hours which just seems so unfair. And that Willow won't be able to come in to meet her sibling.

Maternity clothes?
I'm really really trying not to buy anything else now with potentially only 5 weeks left. I think we can just about manage. 

Looking forward to?
I know I'd just said I don't feel very festive but of course I'm still looking forward to Christmas day, more for little Willow. I'm glad she's blissfully unaware of the way things are right now. I was saying the other day though I'd kind of reached that point where, without sound like a Scrooge, I will be glad when it's all over now. I hate myself for saying it because I love Christmas! It could be the pregnancy talking or it could just be the covid situation. 
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Monday, 14 December 2020


How far along?
33+6. Just like that another week down. 

Stretch marks?
So many. I said it last week but I do wonder how much more I can stretch.

Oh my goodness, it's just getting worse as the weeks go on. I wake up so achy from just switching from my left side to my right all night. I reach a point where I try and prop myself up a bit on my back because I can't lie flat anymore, I feel like I'm going to suffocate.

Best moment this week?
Nothing major has happened this week. Sometimes I feel like we're just getting by, from one day to the next, with a nap chucked in for good measure.

Miss anything?
I don't think I do. Although I'm reaching a point where I'm fed up of never feeling comfortable, I'm also trying to savour these last weeks knowing baby will be here soon.  

As wiggly as ever. 

Food cravings?
I've been enjoying the Quality Streets this weekend. You can keep your Celebrations, Quality Streets are definitely my favourite chocolates this time of year.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing.

Kyle's sister had a dream it was a boy, and it only weighed 7lb2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think we'll all be shocked if it's a girl.    

Labour signs?
Nothing really.

My breathing is much better than it was. I still struggle sometimes in the morning, but I think that's just because I'm wasting my precious breath trying to get Willow to get ready for nursery. She takes a hell of a lot of encouraging. Other than that and just generally aching I'm not feeling too bad.

Belly button in or out?
It sticks out that much now that a couple of times this week I've caught it on doors and door frames. It makes me cringe so bad when it happens.  

I'm doing okay. I said last week about feeling like I'm running out of time so I made sure I put aside an afternoon to start sorting the baby's room. It's a slow progress but it felt good to start. There's just some things that keep lingering like books and toys that need to go to the charity shop, but I just need to pull my finger out and get rid of them. 

Maternity clothes?
The only thing I've bought this week was a new pair of fluffy slippers, because you know nothing else fits. Oh no wait, I did start picking a few bits up for my hospital bag. Primark's nightdress options was poor but luckily I found a spotty one in Matalan that was right up my street. I also bought my black granny pants for post birth. Does anyone else really struggle with what size to buy for afterwards?! 

Looking forward to?
Willow breaks up from nursery on Thursday and I can't wait to spend our last school holiday together before baby arrives. There's not much we can get up to really but I'm sure I'll wing it and come up with something. I'm aiming for a 'today was the best day ever' every night at bedtime from her.

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Thursday, 10 December 2020


How far along?
32+6. Panicking more as the days go on that I'm not ready! I'm selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace like it's going out of fashion just so I can feel like the house is a little more cleansed of 'stuff'. It's working, but at the same time I feel like the baby's room isn't changing, but I suppose when things like the Snuzpod and the pram get moved out of there then it'll help. I'd normally leave the Christmas tree up until New Year but I'm going to start putting some of it away as and when I can between Christmas and New Year, just so I can start getting organised then for baby. 

Stretch marks?
There's lots of stripes going on now. My belly feels so tight and stretched. I wonder how we'll manage for another seven weeks!

It's still getting worse. I just find that it's so much effort switching from one side to another but I struggle to stay on the same side for too long. Still napping in the day, which is easier said than done at the weekend when Willow just wants to poke my closed eyes...

Best moment this week?
Definitely getting to see baby on a growth scan on Friday AND being told that my placenta has moved from lying over my cervix! Thank god! The sonographer told me that it's moved 5cm which when she initially said that I thought it wasn't a lot, but a little later when I actually thought about it 5cm is actually quite a lot inside your body. Honestly such a relief! I don't think the sonographer quite understood how relieved I was.

Miss anything?
I can't lie, and I know it sounds really materialistic, but I'm really missing being able to wear my normal wardrobe. I'm really enjoying just walking around the house at the moment in my pants because trousers are just so uncomfortable. 

Still wiggly. But head down which is also amazing news. I haven't had many feet in my ribs so I was worried it wasn't head down even though I know there's still plenty of time for it to move, but she confirmed at the scan that it is head down. 

Food cravings?
All I wanted this morning was chocolate. But I think that was just because Kyle had bought a box of Celebrations at the weekend and I knew they were there.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing.

My sister made me laugh the other day. She had circled a bit on one of my scan photos and messaged me saying that's a boy. Then in one of her next message was like equally it could be a leg. Don't give up the day job Em!  

Labour signs?
Nothing really.

I didn't notice a difference from my iron infusion until about Thursday, which was the day before I had my next one again on the Friday. I can definitely feel an improvement, especially when I do the nursery run. I also had a growth scan on Friday as I'd said. Baby has measured above the 97th centile the last three times it's been measured so the midwife who did my infusions sent me for a growth scan and the sonographer said baby is measuring around 5lb 3oz and would be over 9lb if it carried on growing as it is. I fully understand though to take their growth measurements with a pinch of salt because they're not always that accurate. I've had the blood test to check for gestational diabetes but haven't heard anything back from that yet.

Belly button in or out?
My belly button is ruined. I don't think there's any saving it anymore. 

Feeling okay, just very tired. I think it's starting to sink that there will be two little people in our lives soon. Although I don't think it fully feels real until you have the baby in your arms.

Maternity clothes?
I nipped to H&M the other day to drop off a bag of recycling and picked up some basic long sleeve tops from the sale. They'll do for a couple of weeks I suppose. I also found some old grey joggers from my pregnancy with Willow, they're hideous, the most unflattering things in the world, but so comfy. I changed straight into them after the nursery run this morning, so I may have a look what H&M have got in black or something, just so I've got a pair that are more socially acceptable to wear in public. 

Looking forward to?
Christmas I suppose! It's coming around thick and fast now isn't it! I've started wrapping a few presents a night because I can't sit for long enough to do them all in one go so I'm just doing a few whilst I watch a Christmas film. Anybody else feel like they can't wrap presents unless they have a Christmas film on?! There's nothing too exciting happening this week now that my appointment with the consultant has been moved to a weeks time. They pushed it back a week so they can monitor baby's growth a bit better otherwise I would have had two scans six days apart which would have been a little pointless.

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Monday, 30 November 2020


How far along?
31+6. It feels like the real countdown is on now! At what point should I pack my hospital bag?!

Stretch marks?
No new ones on last week. My belly looks so veiny now as well.

On a whole not terrible, but it's definitely deteriorating as the nights go on. I do struggle to get through the day without a nap. I've also woken a few times with really sore hips, I don't know if that's because I end up rolling onto my back in my sleep which is maybe too much for them at the moment.  

Best moment this week?
Spending time with my family. Mum and Dad live next door so their house is somewhat of a headquarters for the family. My younger sister was home for a few days last week and my older sister with my nieces and nephew visited on Saturday for the night. I can't wait to do the same with Kyle's side of the family, Willow's definitely missing her Nanny Nia and her little cousins.

Miss anything?
I haven't been missing anything in particular this week. 

With Willow I could remember it being every evening that she'd become really active but with this one I've not found a pattern to it, it literally is just none stop. When the midwife checked baby on Friday she was trying to establish whether it was bum down or head down. As soon as she thought she'd got it's head it jumped and I don't think she was sure anymore. 

Food cravings?
Nothing. I don't even know why I include it anymore because it's been pretty boring for cravings.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing.

I think the majority of my family are convinced it's a boy. But then I had a sudden realisation that it could very much be a girl so I bought two girls outfits over the weekend just incase. Oh I just can not wait to find out who this little person is. 

Labour signs?
Not really. I've had a few tightenings but nothing as strong as what I was getting a few weeks ago. They tend to just be in the evening after I've been on my feet for a bit cooking dinner and tidying the kitchen.

I had my iron infusion on Friday and although I'd say I've felt a tiny improvement, I've still had days worse than others, Sunday was a particularly bad day. The midwife did warn me that I wouldn't feel the effects of it immediately. Luckily I've got my second infusion booked in for Friday and she said even after that some people feel the change so gradually they don't really notice.

Belly button in or out?
It's really out these days.

I feel okay, feeling slightly overwhelmed with what I still need to get for Christmas and what I need to buy for baby. Not that I need a lot for baby, but I do also need a few bits for my hospital bag. I think I need to just make a really long list...

Maternity clothes?
So many of my tops are short on me. I think I may have to take a trip to Primark when they reopen just to stock up on basics to see me through the next 8 weeks.

Looking forward to?
I'm actually looking forward to my next hospital appointment on Friday, not for the infusion part of it, there's nothing enjoyable about that, but mostly just the part where the midwife measures the bump, and checks it's position and all that jazz. Baby is measuring above the 97th centile so she did say I may have to have a growth scan but with me having a scan with the consultant soon anyway it might just be done then.

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Monday, 23 November 2020


How far along?
30+6. We're in the single digit countdown as of tomorrow!

Stretch marks?
I've got some silvery ones around my belly button and some really low down. I will be so surprised if this baby comes out smaller than Willow! 

Not too bad at night, it's just such a mission to roll over and I feel like every time I flip sides I end up stirring. 

Best moment this week?
I'm just living for the weekends at the minute even though we don't do anything, it's just nice having everyone here in the house when I've spent all week here on my own. It got to about 6pm on Saturday evening and I decided we'd go for a ride around in the car looking at houses covered in Christmas lights. There's some around our town that go really over the top and raise money for charities which is lovely and as we were driving along in the car Willow told me it was the best day ever (she's having a lot of those lately bless her).

Miss anything?
I just can't wait to be able to lie on my belly again. I think I managed it for quite a while but it's definitely not going to happen anymore. 

It's still a wild little thing, which the midwife said is brilliant and obviously if anything changes then I'd know to call triage straight away. I would anyway, movement and kicks is something I'm so aware of. It did this crazy move on Saturday when I was just lay on the bed and my whole body jolted, it was like it did a full flip from one side to the other, it was so weird!

Food cravings?
Still the most boring pregnancy in terms of cravings...

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing this week.

No idea, but according to Willow if it's a boy we're calling it Lunchbox...

Labour signs?
None really. I've not even had any Braxton Hicks this week.

Still struggling on the iron front, and as a result struggling with my breathing. I had the midwife on Friday and she phoned straight through to the Day Assessment Unit to see if they could get me in for an iron infusion. She had to do my bloods again and wait for the results which obviously meant it wasn't followed up until the Friday evening and then I didn't hear back from the midwife then until the Sunday evening because she had to speak to the doctor. So thankfully I'm booked in for an infusion this Friday coming up and another one next Friday, and in the meantime I'm just taking it easy, not that I'm doing a lot anyway. Apparently I'll feel great once I've had it so looking forward to that. 

Belly button in or out?
It's at the point now where it doesn't even resemble a belly button really.

I feel much better knowing I'm getting the infusion Friday. It's been so frustrating being out of breath just walking around the house. I also haven't managed to make it through the day without a nap for the last few days which I felt so guilty about at the weekend when Willow was at home but she didn't seem to mind. 

Maternity clothes?
I'm managing on what I've got at the moment. Slowly but surely though, the tops section of my wardrobe is just getting smaller and smaller. I don't feel massive but I'm definitely bigger this pregnancy because the shirt I was wearing the day I went into hospital to have Willow was getting tight on me last week and I've still got ten weeks to go!

Looking forward to?
Like I said last week, there's not really much to get excited about at the minute is there. Obviously I'm looking forward to Christmas and baby's arrival but in the more near future we're just taking each day as it comes.

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