Monday, 14 December 2020


How far along?
33+6. Just like that another week down. 

Stretch marks?
So many. I said it last week but I do wonder how much more I can stretch.

Oh my goodness, it's just getting worse as the weeks go on. I wake up so achy from just switching from my left side to my right all night. I reach a point where I try and prop myself up a bit on my back because I can't lie flat anymore, I feel like I'm going to suffocate.

Best moment this week?
Nothing major has happened this week. Sometimes I feel like we're just getting by, from one day to the next, with a nap chucked in for good measure.

Miss anything?
I don't think I do. Although I'm reaching a point where I'm fed up of never feeling comfortable, I'm also trying to savour these last weeks knowing baby will be here soon.  

As wiggly as ever. 

Food cravings?
I've been enjoying the Quality Streets this weekend. You can keep your Celebrations, Quality Streets are definitely my favourite chocolates this time of year.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing.

Kyle's sister had a dream it was a boy, and it only weighed 7lb2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think we'll all be shocked if it's a girl.    

Labour signs?
Nothing really.

My breathing is much better than it was. I still struggle sometimes in the morning, but I think that's just because I'm wasting my precious breath trying to get Willow to get ready for nursery. She takes a hell of a lot of encouraging. Other than that and just generally aching I'm not feeling too bad.

Belly button in or out?
It sticks out that much now that a couple of times this week I've caught it on doors and door frames. It makes me cringe so bad when it happens.  

I'm doing okay. I said last week about feeling like I'm running out of time so I made sure I put aside an afternoon to start sorting the baby's room. It's a slow progress but it felt good to start. There's just some things that keep lingering like books and toys that need to go to the charity shop, but I just need to pull my finger out and get rid of them. 

Maternity clothes?
The only thing I've bought this week was a new pair of fluffy slippers, because you know nothing else fits. Oh no wait, I did start picking a few bits up for my hospital bag. Primark's nightdress options was poor but luckily I found a spotty one in Matalan that was right up my street. I also bought my black granny pants for post birth. Does anyone else really struggle with what size to buy for afterwards?! 

Looking forward to?
Willow breaks up from nursery on Thursday and I can't wait to spend our last school holiday together before baby arrives. There's not much we can get up to really but I'm sure I'll wing it and come up with something. I'm aiming for a 'today was the best day ever' every night at bedtime from her.

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