Tuesday, 29 December 2020


How far along?
35+6. I turned 8 months on Boxing Day and I just cannot believe that baby will possibly be here in the next month. On Christmas Eve Willow out of the blue said the baby was coming on Boxing Day. Thankfully it didn't. She's now said it's coming on Friday.

Stretch marks?
Sometimes they look angrier than other times. I'm not sure why. I've absolutely 100% gotten more this time around than I did with Willow. I wonder if it's because I didn't start using Bio Oil earlier or if it was just that my bump is bigger this time.

Still not great, my hips and back are just so achy. Although with Willow not being in nursery and Kyle not being up for work the last few days we have been getting lie ins until about 9am which has been lovely.

Best moment this week?
Obviously Christmas eve and Christmas day. It was just lovely seeing Willow's excitement. It's funny though when you think about the big build up and then by the time Boxing Day hits that's it it's done for a another year. 

Miss anything?
Not really. It's been a quiet few days and I'm enjoying just pottering around the house slowly getting things back to normal.

Still very active. I did end up at triage on boxing day night because I'd lay down to watch Call the Midwife and it wasn't doing it's usual somersaults. I told myself I'd give it until the programme had finished and if nothing I'd call triage, so yeah that's how that night went. I did 20 minutes on the monitor and it's heartbeat was perfect but just no movement so she did another 20 minutes and towards the end it woke up, and it's more than made up for it since. It was obviously just having a bigger nap than usual, but the midwives were so welcoming, especially when you doubt yourself and think you're just being silly.

Food cravings?
Still just eating everything in sight!

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope, no cat sick this week thankfully.

Still no idea. I am so ready to know who it is in my belly now though.

Labour signs?
The Braxton Hicks are back in full force. When I was on the monitor on Boxing Day the midwife asked me if I was in pain because she could see I was regularly contracting but they obviously can't tell if they're real ones or Braxton Hicks. Thankfully they're just Braxton Hicks, but I think it was the day after Boxing Day I was in bed on the evening and I was getting back pain, you know the kind when you get when you're in labour. I suppose every little twinge from now on I'm gonna read into it just because it is so imminent.

Just like I've said the Braxton Hicks, a little bit of back pain and general aches, but really I'm feeling quite good. 

Belly button in or out?

I did have a wobble the day before Christmas Eve. I think everything just felt a little on top of me. We'd seen Kyle's Mum and partner for the last time until who knows when and it just made me really upset, then Kyle got home and had been sent to Oxford for a job on Christmas Eve. Thankfully my friend Naomi came to the rescue, and we took our kids out for a walk in the fresh air for an hour on Christmas Eve. It's people like that in my life that I'm grateful for.

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new. Like I said last week, i'm really reluctant to buy anything new at this point. Whilst I'm at home i'm just living in my ugly leggings or my blue stonewashed ones from H&M which are really comfy.

Looking forward to?
Obviously baby's impending arrival now Christmas is out of the way. I've started cracking on getting things washed and ordering little bits that we still need to get. I imagine the next few weeks are just going to absolutely fly by! 

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