Tuesday, 22 December 2020


How far along?
34+6. 35 weeks tomorrow. A week that I've strangely been anxious to get to. My friend from work, and I really hope she doesn't mind me talking about it, lost her baby girl, Emily-Rose, at 35 weeks, right in the midst of the first lockdown. It's changed my view on pregnancy this time around. You think at 12 weeks you're safe, but in reality, and without sounding harsh, you're not. That's why it's so important to be aware of your babies movement. That's why I'm so grateful that the baby in my belly is so active, it's like it's been reassuring me this whole pregnancy. I do think though that you're never truly 'safe' until you have your baby in your arms.

Stretch marks?
Lots, and my skin was really irritated towards the end of last week. It wasn't itchy as such, but the lower part of my bump was just really tingly. I just kept moisturising it with all sorts of creams and used some of Willow's ointment and it seems to have eased off now.

Terrible. Some nights I can lie wide awake for about two hours, and it always seems to be around 3am that I wake. It reaches a point where I just think I might as well give up and go do some washing or go and clean the kitchen.

Best moment this week?
Definitely seeing our little Wonky again at my consultant scan last Thursday. As soon as she put the gel on my belly it just went wild! I saw all it's tiny little toes on it's wonky foot and saw it's little face close up. She also confirmed that the placenta had moved because I was still worrying with how casual the sonographer was about it the other week that I just wanted to double check. 

Miss anything?
I was thinking about it last week and I really can't wait to go for walks with Willow and Kyle. I think the last one I went on was around Dothill Nature Reserve not long before my iron levels got really bad. Kyle basically gets walked by the dog and there's no way I could keep up with them.

Still wiggly. My older sister is so obsessed with it. 

Food cravings?
It's Christmas. I'm basically just eating anything in sight.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
I was sick for the first time this pregnancy last week! The stupid cat had eaten his meat at the speed of light then vomited on the windowsill. Kyle had literally just left for work so I had no choice but to clean it up and yeah I suppose you can guess how well that went down...

Still so many people convinced it's a boy. I think Willow and Kyle are the only ones saying girl. Ha but my Mum and Dad had asked Willow what we should call it the other day and she said Snowy for a girl and Radiator for a boy.

Labour signs?
None, thank goodness. I definitely don't want a December baby. In all fairness I have said since the start that I'd rather be late and have a February baby, but then I've had it in my head weeks that it'll be early. In reality though I don't care when it arrives, as long as it arrives safely. 

The only thing that's been bothering me this week is the SPD/sciatica. But it's still nowhere near as bad as it was earlier in on in this pregnancy which is strange. It's strange that I had the occasional Braxton Hicks for a couple of weeks and even that has completely gone. We're just enjoying these last few weeks of just us. 

Belly button in or out?
I've said it before but it doesn't even resemble a belly button anymore.

Feeling okay. Not feeling terribly festive but then with all the recent announcements who really is? It does also seem like a 3rd lockdown is highly likely and I'm hoping that's not going to affect the birth too much. I just need to go into hospital, focus and get the F back out. 

My friend asked me how being pregnant in a pandemic compared to my pregnancy with Willow and I don't really feel like it has been different. I can't fault the care I've received up to this point. But I'll definitely notice the difference when baby arrives. I think the thing that bothers me most is that Kyle may have to leave after just a couple of hours which just seems so unfair. And that Willow won't be able to come in to meet her sibling.

Maternity clothes?
I'm really really trying not to buy anything else now with potentially only 5 weeks left. I think we can just about manage. 

Looking forward to?
I know I'd just said I don't feel very festive but of course I'm still looking forward to Christmas day, more for little Willow. I'm glad she's blissfully unaware of the way things are right now. I was saying the other day though I'd kind of reached that point where, without sound like a Scrooge, I will be glad when it's all over now. I hate myself for saying it because I love Christmas! It could be the pregnancy talking or it could just be the covid situation. 
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