Monday, 30 November 2020


How far along?
31+6. It feels like the real countdown is on now! At what point should I pack my hospital bag?!

Stretch marks?
No new ones on last week. My belly looks so veiny now as well.

On a whole not terrible, but it's definitely deteriorating as the nights go on. I do struggle to get through the day without a nap. I've also woken a few times with really sore hips, I don't know if that's because I end up rolling onto my back in my sleep which is maybe too much for them at the moment.  

Best moment this week?
Spending time with my family. Mum and Dad live next door so their house is somewhat of a headquarters for the family. My younger sister was home for a few days last week and my older sister with my nieces and nephew visited on Saturday for the night. I can't wait to do the same with Kyle's side of the family, Willow's definitely missing her Nanny Nia and her little cousins.

Miss anything?
I haven't been missing anything in particular this week. 

With Willow I could remember it being every evening that she'd become really active but with this one I've not found a pattern to it, it literally is just none stop. When the midwife checked baby on Friday she was trying to establish whether it was bum down or head down. As soon as she thought she'd got it's head it jumped and I don't think she was sure anymore. 

Food cravings?
Nothing. I don't even know why I include it anymore because it's been pretty boring for cravings.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing.

I think the majority of my family are convinced it's a boy. But then I had a sudden realisation that it could very much be a girl so I bought two girls outfits over the weekend just incase. Oh I just can not wait to find out who this little person is. 

Labour signs?
Not really. I've had a few tightenings but nothing as strong as what I was getting a few weeks ago. They tend to just be in the evening after I've been on my feet for a bit cooking dinner and tidying the kitchen.

I had my iron infusion on Friday and although I'd say I've felt a tiny improvement, I've still had days worse than others, Sunday was a particularly bad day. The midwife did warn me that I wouldn't feel the effects of it immediately. Luckily I've got my second infusion booked in for Friday and she said even after that some people feel the change so gradually they don't really notice.

Belly button in or out?
It's really out these days.

I feel okay, feeling slightly overwhelmed with what I still need to get for Christmas and what I need to buy for baby. Not that I need a lot for baby, but I do also need a few bits for my hospital bag. I think I need to just make a really long list...

Maternity clothes?
So many of my tops are short on me. I think I may have to take a trip to Primark when they reopen just to stock up on basics to see me through the next 8 weeks.

Looking forward to?
I'm actually looking forward to my next hospital appointment on Friday, not for the infusion part of it, there's nothing enjoyable about that, but mostly just the part where the midwife measures the bump, and checks it's position and all that jazz. Baby is measuring above the 97th centile so she did say I may have to have a growth scan but with me having a scan with the consultant soon anyway it might just be done then.

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