Monday 16 November 2020


How far along?
29+6. Crazy to think I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow!

Stretch marks?
Some quite low down, I keep being told I look like I'm carrying low so that'll be why. I didn't get a single stretch mark with Willow until she dropped right at the end of my pregnancy. 

Sleep as night is good, but I do feel like some days I could easily have a couple of hours nap. But then maybe that's just boredom as opposed to tiredness.

Best moment this week?
Definitely Saturday when we decorated the Christmas tree. Willow was 100mph from the moment she woke up, sometimes I wonder how her tongue hasn't fallen out she chats that much! She went to bed that evening and told Kyle she'd had the best day ever and that she wanted to do it again. It made my heart burst when he came down and told me. Sometimes I forget how magical and exciting it must be for her.

Miss anything?
Not at the moment, enjoying this new slower pace.

Still so active for the majority of the day. It's quite hard though at times and I do wonder if baby is maybe currently lay transverse or breech. Tonight was the first time I've actually felt a foot in my rib so maybe baby has moved?

Food cravings?
Absolutely nothing. I have the occasional evening where I fancy a bit of chocolate but I think that's just normal female behaviour.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nope nothing this week.

Still got a boy feeling but still absolutely clueless.

Labour signs?
The Braxton Hicks haven't been so strong this week. I'm convinced I'll have to have a c section though, the closer I get to my next scan the more anxious I'm getting. I'm really trying to send out positive vibes that my placenta will have moved but it's hard, the anxiety does quickly creep back in. I think being told I look like I'm carrying low doesn't help, it seems like everything is so low down. I've got a midwife appointment again on Friday though so hopefully she can at least tell me what position baby is in, even though I know it has still got plenty of time to be flipping around.

I never heard back about my iron stores blood test so I'm assuming everything came back fine from that. I have been really out of breath today for the first time in over a week though so I'm guessing I'll probably have my levels checked again on Friday.  

Belly button in or out?
There's no going back for it now and it's the weirdest feeling when the baby presses a foot or a hand or an elbow, I'm not even sure what part of its body it is but you can push it from the outside and it's so weird.

Feeling good, maybe a little bit naggier than usual but nothing Kyle can't handle.

Maternity clothes?
I bought a new pair of maternity jeggings which rival my New Look faux leather ones in the comfy department. I didn't end up buying anything else even after my meltdown last week but it's tiding me over for now. All my knitwear came out of the loft the other week and the majority of that fits me at the moment.

Looking forward to?
Not sure at the moment. Everything is a little mundane at the moment isn't it so we haven't made any plans for the foreseeable.

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