Monday 9 November 2020


How far along?

Stretch marks?
I'm going hard on the Bio Oil now but things are getting very tight. There's some new ones quite low down I think but I can't see them so that's that.

I'm still getting some really good night's sleep thank god. I'm gonna make the most of them whilst they're I still can.

Best moment this week?
I think I'm just savouring our slow weekends a little more now. It was nice for us all to get out for a long walk together on Saturday. It's about the most we can do at the moment so I'll just take what I can.

Miss anything?
I don't think I do atm. Feeling very content.

I was saying to the midwife how considering it's foot problem it's still so much more active than what I remember Willow being. She was shocked when she used the doppler at my appointment on Friday how active it was.

Food cravings?
Still nothing major. How boring.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nothing. The cat has stopped pooing in the bath so that's a bonus.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Labour signs?
Apart from the Braxton Hicks we're all good, but even they've calmed down since last week.

One thing I completely forgot to mention last week (I really don't know how it slipped my mind!) was about how out of breath I was. I phoned triage about it because it was at the time when I was isolating so I wasn't really overdoing it, just pottering around the house. The midwife said it could be my iron levels, which I'm already on two iron tablets a day. Well I had my 28 week appointment on Friday and she did a blood test again, I think more because I had my anti-D injection on the afternoon and they have to check if you have any antibodies in your system. They called me Saturday to say my iron levels had dropped again, which explains the breathlessness. I went for another blood test not long after that so they could check my iron stores, and if they're low I'll have to have an iron infusion.  

Belly button in or out?
As you can see by the picture it's definitely popping now.

I've been okay actually considering the lockdown. My midwife asked me how I was coping at my appointment and to be honest i'm enjoying being at home. I was so ready to finish work. It reached a point where it just felt like so many customers weren't happy with the rules and regulations that were in place, as if you'd put them in place yourself. I've got a nice balance of Willow being at nursery and home so I can get my to do list for the day done by about 11.30 then at least I know when I pick her up we can do something fun like go for a walk or bake cookies.

Maternity clothes?
I had a mare on Sunday morning when I was just sat in front of my wardrobe with not a clue what to wear. I spent a while after that looking for some maternity outfit inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram. I definitely feel like I lose a bit of my style when I'm pregnant. I want to look nice and embrace my bump but it's hard when you've got this new shape to dress for such a short amount of time.   

Looking forward to?
I think we're going to put our Christmas tree up this weekend, as long as Scrooge, I mean Kyle, get's the decorations out of the loft for me. Me and Willow watched the video of us decorating the tree last year and she loved it so I definitely think we'll make a video out of it again.

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