Monday 14 September 2020


How far along?
20+6. What a week!  

Total weight gain?
I forgot AGAIN! I was so good with Willow's pregnancy, this time I just don't care.

Stretch marks?
None, I'm feeling much bigger though, I can't imagine it will be long.

I've been struggling to get to sleep initially as opposed to having broken sleep. There's been a couple of nights where it's as if I'm about to go to bed and my body pretends it's got a water infection. The last couple of nights I've just taken paracetamol before bed just to help me get to sleep.

Best moment this week?
Definitely when Kyle felt baby kick on Tuesday evening. I was exactly 20 weeks and we'd had a rubbish afternoon after the scan and it's like baby was telling us it will all be okay.  

Miss anything?
Not really this week. My head has been a little bit elsewhere.

Still small, but enough that Kyle managed to feel it, so did my Mum and sister.

Food cravings?
Still nothing! Absolutely nothing. I never used to like ice cream before my pregnancy with Willow but I started eating that when I was pregnant with her. There's still plenty of time for something though.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Not this week. It's been a good week on the sickness front. 

I came out of my scan on Tuesday and just had this really strong feeling that it was a girl. I don't really know why. But my sister looked at the scan picture and said she's guessing boy and also talipes is more common in boys so who knows! 

Labour signs?

Still just the backache which I suppose you're bored of reading about. For a couple of weeks now I've been getting a horrible throb in my vagina when I've been stood up for a bit, it's something I mostly complain about at work but we discovered at my scan that I have a low lying placenta which could maybe explain all the extra pressure on my poor lady bits.

Belly button in or out?
In, but nearly out. I noticed as I was doing my hair the other day and my top was riding up that it looked like it had popped out but it was just the way I was sat.

It's been up and down. We found out at the 20 week scan on Tuesday that baby has a unilateral left sided talipes, which means it has a bent foot. I was obviously upset, sat there being told that by the sonographer I had absolutely no idea what it meant for baby's future. I spent Tuesday evening learning all I could about the condition and after a good night sleep I felt so much better about the situation.

I still get pangs of anxiety but I think it's just me reading into things, like the fact the sonographer gave me information about an amniocentesis, incase the consultant brings it up at our appointment on Thursday. In my head I'm thinking why would I need an amniocentesis if it's just talipes, unless she's noticed something else that she didn't tell me. I just have to snap out of those little moments and tell myself that what will be will be and we'll hopefully find out more on Thursday. But at the same time I don't want to go in too hopeful and positive to have it all shattered.

Maternity clothes?
My sister kindly informed me my maternity leggings were see through after I'd worn them all day and on the school run, so that was great. I decided then that I desperately needed to get more maternity trousers. I had a couple of pairs of jeans from my pregnancy with Willow but the waistbands have gone on them and they just don't fit snug over the bump anymore. I'll maybe do a little haul on Youtube or some sort of autumn styling video.

Looking forward to?
I just want it to be Thursday so we can have our appointment with the consultant. Like I said I spent the evening researching the condition so all I know about it is what I've learnt myself. I'm unaware what our individual situation looks like and I'm just really unsure what to expect from the appointment. 

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