Sunday 9 August 2020


How far along?
15+5 weeks. Better late than never on this one. I've been off work but with Willow being home and being a little madame all week I've not quite gotten round to writing this one. She's currently playing with her dolls house and watching Peter Rabbit so I thought I'd take some time on this hot Friday to sit and get it done. 

Total weight gain?
I finally sorted the batteries out in the scales and weighed in at 10st 2lb. I was quite surprised, I did expect it to be more than that. At this point with Willow I weighed 9st 9lb so I'm definitely a little chunkier than I was four years ago.

Stretch marks?
None, although my boobs are looking extra veiny these days. I'm praying to god that varicose vein doesn't come back in my groin. That was horrible last time. 

Not bad, apart from the fact I've still not bought a new blackout blind for our bedroom so I still wake pretty early in the morning. I do find I tend to need a wee about 4.00/5.00am and I find it hard after that to get back to sleep.

Best moment this week?
We've had some lovely moments this week, we went out for the day last week with my sister and niece to Stourport-on-Severn, and on Sunday we went to Wonderland which is a local attraction for children. It's somewhere Willow was asking to go all through lockdown because we passed it on our walks so we decided to surprise her. Let it be said though, because I could easily gloss over it and not mention it, but she was so naughty on the way home, and she has been pretty much all week since. We've definitely had a much slower week this week because of that. But it was nice to actually be able to get out and go places. I remember in my 2020 goals video at the start of the year that I wanted to make the most of my time off work (who'd have thought we'd all end up having 3 months plus off work!) and I do feel like we've had a nice balance of going out and staying in these last couple of weeks.

Miss anything?
Not really this week.

Still the same as last week, just the strange little bubbles on my left side when I'm very still.

Food cravings?
Only last night when I was browsing a sweet company on Instagram. They're local and they deliver boxes of pick & mix sweets and all I could think about all night after that was fizzy sweets. I think they'll definitely be getting an order this weekend.

Anything make you queasy or sick?
Nothing comes to mind. It's been a quiet week really.

Saw four magpies the other day so make of that what you will...

Labour signs?

I still feel a bit in that not pregnant stage. People ask how I am but I don't really have much to tell them. My back has been hurting a lot more this week but I think I've just been going a bit hard on the housework.

Belly button in or out?

Still feeling happy, not been so relaxed but I'm putting that one on my little threenager! We've still had a lovely time together, but I do think that's part of Willow's problem is that she just loves being around other children so much. 

Looking forward to?
Had my 20 week anomaly scan come through which I'm looking forward to. Getting to see baby again is always exciting. I'm also looking forward to when we tell Willow about the baby, whenever that will be. We made the decision not to tell her yet, it's such a long time for her to wait, especially when she has no concept of time, but seeing how she is with my niece, Macie, just warms my heart, apart from the odd occasion when she's trying to shove her dummy in her ear or snatch a toy off her, but for the most part she's wonderful. 

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