Monday 26 October 2020


How far along?
26+6. Six whole months today!

Total weight gain?

Stretch marks?
No angry red ones still thank god. 

I had a bad night the night that the clocks went back. I actually watched it go from 1.59am back to 1.00am again. Then I did that hour wide awake again. But then on Sunday night I had such a good sleep. You know the ones where you don't stir at all from the moment you go to sleep to the moment you wake up.

Best moment this week?
It's been a very quiet, very slow week. I've spent it all, apart from one day, in pyjamas. We've been isolating after being in contact with someone who tested positive for covid. It's had its ups and downs but it's been lovely spending some time with Willow.

Miss anything?
I'd love to go for a walk but I don't think we're even allowed to do that. I actually have no idea what we can and can't do whilst we isolating so we've just played it safe really. I feel like over the last seven days I've watched the tree over the road turn so autumnal, it's beautiful. I just want to get out there for a long walk with my camera.

Oh my goodness so much movement! I feel like it's hardly stopped moving around and kicking this week. Probably because I've not been walking around as much as I would at work so I've probably noticed it more than usual.

Food cravings?
I very briefly on Friday craved chocolate but I think that was more because I knew I couldn't just nip out to get any. 

Anything make you queasy or sick?

I was thinking about it the other day and a lot less people have put their input in this time than I thought they would. You still get some people that automatically assume because we've already got a girl that we'd want a boy but that's absolutely not the case. I genuinely hand on heart just want my baby to be born safe no matter the gender.

Labour signs?
None, but I do feel like my kicks are getting higher up, which in some ways is a good thing because at least it means baby is potentially head down. 

I've been getting some very tight feelings in my lower tummy this week, the kind when you feel like your bladder is really really full. I don't know but I'm guessing it's just that things are getting super stretched down there.

Belly button in or out?
Yep, it's definitely out now.

I've enjoyed the slowness this week. It's been that slow at some points I'm surprised we haven't stopped. I'm fully embracing it because I realise that even in the newborn bubble we'll still have to rush out for the nursery run every morning. 

Maternity clothes?
Like I said I've only been dressed one day since last Tuesday, I've lived in my pyjamas and truth be told I've not even bothered with underwear. 

Looking forward to?
Not so much that I'm looking forward to it but we finally got our referral from the orthopaedic hospital about baby's foot and I've got a phone appointment on Wednesday. I'm not sure what it will entail and whether we'll find out anything new but we'll see. I'm glad to see things are still moving and Covid hasn't put it on hold.
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