Zara skirt
Topshop top
H&M jacket
Olivia Burton watch
You can tell how long ago these photos were taken, back when the leaves were still crunchy, fresh from falling off the trees. Now they're more of just a mushy mess. I picked this Zara skirt up on a hectic Sunday in Birmingham, just before we went to see One Direction, I can tell it's going to be in my wardrobe a long time. I think sometimes when I buy things I know if it's only going to be a short term love affair, which is bad really, but especially working in retail you realise how quickly things come and go. Quicker than you'd believe. I guess that's probably why I own so many black skirts and black boots, because they're always so versatile no matter the season.

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Oh how I miss the feel of autumn/winter chilling me to the bone.. you're positively adorable and this outfit is lovely! ive definitely got my sights set on those boots <3_<3
So cute Lindsey, you look gorgeous! x
I thought mustard would be flash-in-the-pan a few years ago but it's held its own and is still going strong! This is definitely a fab investment and I never would have thought to put mustard with white! It looks great.