I seem to have taken an unannounced week off from this here little corner of the internet. I also seem to look like the moodiest person in the world in every photo I ever upload, I guess thats Chronic Bitch Face for you.
1. I finished my training in Tamworth and I've just finished my first week back in Telford as a real life visual merchandiser with responsibilities and things. I can no longer get away with using "I'm only a trainee" as my excuse - damn! It was never my plan to go back to Telford, but I'm so happy I have. No more 5am starts and hour drives to work, and I guess the team aren't so bad either. Timehop told me that on this day last year I got offered a 16 hour contract so I'm pretty pleased with where I'm at right now.
2. Look how long my hair has got! I haven't had it cut in about 5 months which is disgusting really. I'm itching to have it cut a bit shorter though and since the nice team at Toni & Guy are offereing 20% off to Town Centre staff it's swaying me even more. If only I wasn't so funny about going to the hair salon.
3. I'm heading back to the gym this week. I'm such a disgusting slob I haven't been since June, but I'm ready to make some changes. I wouldn't say I'm unhappy when I look in the mirror, but I know I can do better. I'll break back in nice and gently with some yoga on Tuesday evening.
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