I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite bloggers and vloggers that I can't go a day without checking in on. Creepy I know but there's so many incredibly creative people out there online and I don't think there's anything more inspiring than reading other people's take on something.
B L O G G E R S :
I swear everything Abby posts about on her blog I want for my house in the hope it will make it that tiny bit more Pinterest worthy. My most recent coveting has been this
Lever Arm Table Lamp.
Charissa, a fellow H&M'er has such lovely style. I feel like in the last twelve months I've watched her blog so much, it's so lovely to see, especially when someone deserves it so much.
I only discovered Emma's blog after I snapped a picture of her at London Fashion Week. Her style is so well thought out, and her wardrobe is to die for.
I discovered Lucia's blog the same way as Emma's. She has such beautiful photography and although her style is quite simple, everything still looks exquisite.
Katie's writing is by far the most beautiful I have ever read. Every blog post she uploads I seem to question my outlook on life. If there's one blog you should add to your blog roll it is this one.
I love Kate! She's got such a fun personality and by far the best taste in homeware (along with Abby!) She also runs an online magazine which will leave you with hours of reading content.
V L O G G E R S :
My absolute favourites! I love this little family, and I get so excited for 6pm every evening. I enjoy more than anything watching their two children grow up on screen. Little Emilia is the cutest little button you will ever come across!
The first video of Hannah's that I watched was her birthing one, so to have watched little Grayson changing the last six months later is lovely. I always vowed since that I will record my pregnancy and after because those memories are so precious.
I love Estee's main beauty channel, but I have quite the soft spot for her vlog channel. There seems to be a reoccurring theme of vloggers that vlog daily weekly but I'm just so nosy I can't resist seeing what others have been up to!
Sammi has the perfect mix of vlogs, tags, fashion videos and beauty ones on her channel. I especially love her fashion ones, she has such a lovely laid back style that is so inspiring.
Anna is the reason I just spent £34 on a moisturiser. Yes, £34. I could have bought a new pair of shoes with that, but no, you only get one face. It better be worth it Anna!
Another beauty vlogger/blogger who I can blame for my extensive lip collection. Alix uploads the most beautiful bright videos, it always looks like summer in her house, and her more recent vlogs in Bournemouth and London have been lovely watches.
I know this sort of post doesn't suit anybody, but I personally love when my favourite bloggers share their favourites. It's more than likely that if I like reading their blogs I will also like reading their recommendations. Let me know in the comments some of your favourite blogs that I should check out!
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